1) George W. Welch, born about 1821 and died between 1860 and 1870. Census records list him as "afflicted." He lived with his parents all his life and never married. 2) James W. Welch, born about 1823. He married Martha "Patsy" Fletcher, daughter of John G. Fletcher and Mary Randolph. Patsy was born January 12, 1821 in Lee Co., VA. James and Patsy were listed on the 1850 Hancock Co., TN census. They were living two houses from James' father, Tandy.
By 1860, James and Patsy had moved to Union Co., TN, as evidenced by that year's census shown here:
James "Welsh" and wife were mentioned as heirs of John G. Fletcher in Lee Co., VA on July 13, 1880. In a suit concerning the distribution of the estate of John G. Fletcher on January 18, 1881, in Lee Co., VA, Lot No. 7 was awarded to Patsy "Welsh" wife of James "Welsh." They later sold their interest to Asa R. Fletcher. The following deed was recorded in Lee Co., VA:
This indenture made this the eight day of September one thousand eight hundred and eighty one between James H. Welch and wife Patsa Welch both of the County of Younion and State of Tennessee of the first part and Anna Welch of the County of Grainger and State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth that the said James H. Welch and wife Patsa Welch for and consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to us in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by this presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, in fee of and confirm unto the said Anna Welch her heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parsel of land containing by estimation seventy five acres be the same more or less lying and being in the Lee County Virginia state and on the warters of Powels River and bounded by lines as follows to wit: Beginning on the bank of Powels River the old William Pariett and Tanda Welch corner thence westwardly with the William Parriett line to the Tennessee line, thence east with the Tennessee line to Powels River thence up the said river to the beginning. Know I James H. Welch and Patsa Welch hereby bind ourselves to Anna Welch our inteerests in said described tract of land and we have a good write to convey said title a cordain to will of Tandy Welch his heirs and assigns forever with all and singular the woods, warters, properties, commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to our interest in said described tract of land belonging to us or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions and remander and remanders thereof all the estate, wright title, interest, property claim or demand of us James H. Welch and Patsa Welch our heirs and assigns and to the same and every part thereof either in law or equity to have and to hold the same our interest in the above described tract land thereunto the said Anna Welch her heirs and assigns forever against the lawful title claim or demand of us the said James H. Welch and Patsa Welch our heirs and assigns and against the law, title, claim or demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever will warrant and forever defend by these presents in witness whereof the said James H. Welch and Patsa Welch hath hereunto set our hand and seal this the day and year first above writen. Signed, seal and delivered in the presents of us
State of Tennessee, Grainger County. To Isaac Beeler, Esquire. You are hereby authorized and empowered to take the examination of Patsa Welch privately and apart from her husband, relative to her free execution of the annexed Deed, and the same, so taken, to certify under your hand and seal. Witness, J.N. Goldman, Clerk of the County Court of Grainger County, at office in Rutledge, this the 9 day of Sept. 1882 J.N. Goldman, Clerk State of Tennessee, Grainger County. Patsa Welch wife of James N. Welch having personally appeared before me, and having, by virtue of the authority in me vested, been examined privately and apart from her said husband, and she having acknowledged the due execution of the annexed deed by her, freely, voluntarily and understandingly, without compulsion or costraint by her said husband and for the purpose therein expressed, the same is therefore certified. Witness my hand and seal, this 9th day of Sept. 1882. Isaac Beeler {Seal}
As shown in the preceding examples, James' name was listed in several ways. The middle initial was variously recorded as "W," "H," and "N." James and Martha "Patsy" (Fletcher) Welch were the parents of nine children: