Rose Hill, VA
Although I was born and raised about ten
miles from there, Rose Hill was the closest town to us. Located in
Lee County in extreme southwest Virginia, Rose Hill was first known
as "Boone's Path." Many early explorers passed through the
area, including Dr. Thomas Walker and Daniel Boone. Joseph Martin
established Martin's Station near there about 1760.
The town was laid out and mapped in 1890 by
the owner of the land, A.H. Fulkerson. Early businesses included a
brick plant and a building that housed both a drug store and movie theater.
With the recent improvements made to Highway
58, the main thoroughfare no longer runs through Rose Hill. General
stores and groceries have given way to department stores and
supermarkets. Gone are Lucille Ledford's beauty shop, stores run by
Ancil Rowlett, Fitzhugh and Van Grabeel, Hobart
Jerrell's filling station, Beryl
Owens' medical practice, and Estelle Smith's piano studio where I
spent an hour nearly every Saturday for five years.
Methodist Church
This is where I attended church when I was
growing up. The building is no longer standing, but the memories of
fellowship and worship will always be with me.
Dedicated on the third Sunday in August of
1896, Fairview Church became part of the Virginia Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. A worker named Jonathan Haynes died from
injuries in a sawing accident while constructing a pattern for the
church. Families from the area attended faithfully until the church
was disbanded in 1977. The building was torn down and the land was
returned to the heirs of the original owner. |
Flatwoods School
The photo on the right shows one of several
different buildings used for Flatwoods School. This stone building
was erected in 1926 but burned in 1956. A new brick building was
constructed, which was where I attended school. It housed the
elementary grades with separate buildings for high school,
agriculture, home economics, and lunchroom.
The campus is now home of Flatwoods Primary
School with high school students attending either Thomas Walker High
School or Lee High School. |
