Here are some pronunciations that I have heard all
my life.

All git out: Everything else, as "Those rowdy boys are noisier than all git
Ambeer: Chewing tobacco juice, as "Joe swallowed so much ambeer it made him
Arn: Press, as "Homer says Mabel uses too much starch when she arns his
Backer: Tobacco, as "We should be done setting backer by Friday."
Dreen: Filter, as "I'll have to dreen the water off of the potatoes."
Far: Blaze, as "It's going to be cold enough tonight to build a far."
Fount: Discovered, as "Mossie fount a hen's nest in the barn loft."
Har: Cultivate, as "Bill has gone to har the backer patch."
Hike up: Lift, as "Hike up your pants legs and we'll wade this creek."
Hope: Helped, as "When I was down in my back, the Jones boys hope har the
Hyer: At this place, as "Let's have our picnic over hyer."
Lexocute: Receive a jolt of electricity, as "Fred nearly got lexocuted when
he fixed the porch light."
Like: Something missing, as "Aunt Dorie likes four rows having her quilt
Nary: Not any, as "We haven't heard nary bob-white in ages."
Ort: Should, as "This ort to be enough beans for supper."
Pint: Indicate with the index finger, as "Little Suzie can't talk yet so she
pints to what she wants."
Plime blank: Exactly, as "He looks plime blank like his daddy."
Quare: Peculiar, as "Them new people sure have a quare turn."
Ranch: Douse with clear water, as "I'll ranch the dishes if you'll dry
Rurnt: Spoiled, as "That candy has rurnt my appetite."
Shet: Close, as "Shet the window so the rain won't blow in."
Swarp: Slap, as "Last night I heard a tree limb swarping against the
Tetch: Handle, as "Don't tetch that hot stove."
Torge: In the direction of, as "The geese were heading torge the south."
War: Strand of metal, as "That Angus bull went right through the war
Warsh: Cleanse, as "Aunt Myrtle warshed the clothes and hung them on the
Yander: Over there, as "Hassie went down yander to the hen house to gather
the eggs."

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