Deeds Page 6
Robert Welch affidavit, October 1832
Grainger Co., TN
Declaration of Robert Welch in order to obtain the benefit of the act
of Congress passed June 7, 1832.
State of Tennessee
Grainger County
On this ____ day of October 1832 personally appeared in open court
before the Judge of the Circuit Court of Grainger County in the State
of Tennessee now sitting Robert Welch, a resident of the County of
Grainger and State of Tennessee, aged seventy two years, who being
first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following
declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress
passed June 7, 1832. That he enlisted in the service of the United
States in the Virginia State troops under the following named
officers and served as herein stated. That he enlisted under Joseph
Clark who, by appointment of Capt. Major Carrenton, was a recruiting
officer for the term of eighteen months. That he was then sent to
Chesterfield Court House in the State of Virginia. That immediately
after he arrived at Chesterfield Courthouse he concluded to take the
bounty for the remainder of the war or until peace should be
declared, which he accordingly did. That he received the bounty at
Chesterfield from Col. William Davis. That shortly afterward Col.
Richard Parker took command of the Regiment to which I belonged. He
states that he enlisted in the month of February 1776 and did not
leave the service until peace was declared in 1781 as he believes. He
states that he was in the following engagements, to wit, at Guilford
Court House in the State of North Carolina, Generals Greene and
Morgan, Col. William Washington, Col. Maj. Armstrong and Maj. John
Ridgely commanded. I was also in the seige of 76. We seiged the fort
for about twenty six days but could not take it. We then retreated. I
also fought in the Battle of the Ewtaw Springs. General Green
commanding at engagement. I was wounded in the said battle in my arm
and forehand. I was engaged in various scurmishes. He states that he
was discharged by Maj. Joseph Agleston or Egleston but that it was
destroyed when my house was burned down long ago. He states that at
the time he entered the service he resided in Buckingham County,
State of Virginia. That he was enlisted and fought in the engagements
as above stated. He states that he served with the regiments
commanded by Col. Washington and Lee as before stated. That he fought
in the Battles of Guilford Court House and Ewtaw Springs, Generals
Green and Morgan of the regular army commanding. He states that he
has no documentary evidence and knows of no person whose testimony he
can procure who can testify to his service. He hereby relinquished
every claim whatever to a pension or annuity, except the present, and
declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency of
any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Robert Welch
his mark
Wm. E. Cocke, Clerk
by D. Barton D.C.
We, Joseph Wolfenbarger and Peter Wolfenbarger, residing in the
County of Grainger and State of Tennessee, hereby certify that we are
well acquainted with Robert Welch who has subscribed and sworn to the
above declaration. That we believe him to be seventy two years of
age. That he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he
resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur
in that opinion.
Sworn to and subscribed this _____ day of October 1832.
Joseph his X mark Wolfenbarger
Peter his X mark Wolfenbarger
Wm. E. Cocke, Clerk
By D. Barton, D.C.
And the court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states and the court further certifies that Joseph Wolfenbarger and Peter Wolfenbarger who have signed the preceding certificate are residents in the County of Grainger and that they are creditable persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.
I William E. Cocke clerk of the Circuit Court of Grainger County do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of the application of Robert Welch for a pension in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of my office this 22nd day of Octo. 1832.
Wm. E. Cocke Clerk
by his deputy D. Barton
Questions asked of Robert Welch when
applying for pension
Grainger Co., TN
Questions propounded by the court
Question When and in what year were you born,
Answer I was born in Buckingham County State of Virginia in the year
1760 in the month of Octo. of said year.
Question Have you any record of your age if so where is it.
Answer I have not now but it is in Lexington, Kentucky.
Question Where were you living when called into service. Where have
you lived since the revolutionary war and where do you live now.
Answer I was living in Buckingham County Virginia when I entered the
service from Buckingham I removed to Greenbrier from thence to
Powells Valley from thence to Grainger County Tennessee where I now live.
How were you called into service.
Answer I enlisted in the Virginia State troops.
Question State the names of some of the regular officers who were
with the troops when you served such continental and militia
regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service.
Answer I served with Col. Washington, Lee, Genl. Green, Morgan, Col.
Campbell who was killed at the battle of Eutau Springs not more than
twenty steps from me for the general circumstances of my service I
refer to my declaration
Question Did you receive a discharge from the service if so by whom
was it given and what has become of it.
Answer I received my discharge from Maj. Joseph Agleston or Egleston
and it was destroyed when my house was burnt up some time ago.
Question State the names of persons to whom you are known in your
present neighborhood and who can testify as to your character for
veracity and their belief of your service as a soldier of the revolution.
Answer Joseph Wolfenbarger and Peter Wolfenbarger.
Brief in Robert Welch's pension application
Grainger Co., TN
Brief in the cause of Robert Welch of Grainger County in the State of Tennessee
(Act 7th June, 1832)
1. Was the declaration made before a Court or a Judge? a Court
2. If before a Judge, does it appear that the applicant is disabled
by bodily infirmity?
3. How old is he? 72
4. State his service, as directed in the form annexed.
Period |
Duration of Service |
Rank |
Names of Generals and Field Officers under whom he served |
Entered in 1776 |
Served from Feb. 1776 to the end of the war in 1781 when peace was declared |
As a Private |
Gen. Clark, Capt. Carrenton, Col. Parker, Cols. Washington & Lee, Majs. Armstrong & Lee |
5. In what battles was he engaged? Guilford Court House, Eutau
Springs and various skermishes
6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Buckingham Co., VA
7. Is his statement supported by living witnesses, by documentary
proof, by traditionary evidence, by incidental evidence, or by the
rolls? Traditionary evidence
8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? and if so,
in what respect? Correct
I certify that the foregoing statement and the answers agree with the
evidence in the case above mentioned.
Dyer Castor,
Examining Clerk
Receipt of Pension for Robert Welch
Grainger Co., TN
Pension #7247
East Tennessee
Robert Welch of Grainger Co. in the State of E.T. who was a private
in the company commanded by captain Carrenton of the Regt. commanded
by Col. Coley in the Virginia line for 2 years.
Inscribed on the Roll of East Tennessee at the rate of 80 Dollars
_____ cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March 1831.
Certificate of Pension issued the 20th day of March 1833 and sent to
Wm. E. Cocke of Grainger Co., Tennessee.
Arrears to the 4th of March |
160.00 |
Semi-anl. allowance ending Sept. |
40.00 |
$200.00 |
Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832
Recorded by Daniel Boyd, Clerk, Book E, Vol. 9 Page 65.
Martin Comer to Robert Welch,
February 21, 1812
Claiborne Co., TN
of tract
State of Tennessee
Claiborne County
February Term
This deed from Martin Comer to Robert Welch is acknowledged in Court
let it be registered.
Attest - - - - - - - -
Walter Evans, clerk
This indenture made the 21st day of February 1812 between Martin
Commer of the County of Claiborne and State of Tennessee of the one
part and Robert Welch of County and State aforesaid of the other part
witnesseth, that the said Martin Commer for and in consideration of
the sum of $5.00 to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, doth bargain and sell unto the said Robert Welch his
heirs and assigns forever, one acre of land whereon the said Robert
Welches house and buildings now stands, being part of a tract of land
granted to David Campbell by the Commonwealth of Virginia by patent
bearing date the eighth day of Dec 1800 and as follows viz
Beginning on a large walnut runing S. 60 E. 30 poles to a beach then
N. 60 E 6 poles to a beech, then N. 60 W. 30 poles to a stake, then
to the beginning, with all its appurtenances unto said Robert Wealch
and his heirs to the sole use and behoof of him the said Robert Welch
& his heirs forever and the said Martin Commer for himself and
heirs doth covenant with the said Welch & his heirs, that he the
said Martin Commer & his heirs, the said tract or parcel of land
with all its appurtenances, unto the said Robert Welch and his heirs,
against the claim of himself his heirs and all persons claiming under
him or either of them shall warrant and will forever defend.
In witness whereof the said Martin Commer hath hereunto subscribed
his name and affixed his seal the day & year above written.
Martin Commer [seal]
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Registered the 22nd day of June 1812
Wm. Rogers register by his deputy
Walter Evans